Equidev, in collaboration with UNICEF, is piloting a groundbreaking initiative to climate-proof schools in Tajikistan as part of their ongoing project, “Implementation of the Three Stars Approach on WASH in Schools of Tajikistan” (TSA). This initiative aims to enhance the resilience and adaptation capabilities of educational institutions to climate change, ensuring a safer and more sustainable learning environment for children.
The project evaluated eight schools across the country to identify one suitable for piloting climate-proofing activities related to Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). These activities include rainwater harvesting, solarization of water pumping and heating, constructing wetlands for wastewater treatment, and recycling waste paper and plastic bottles. School #3 in Vahdat City was selected as the optimal site due to its high water demand, significant grey water generation, and distance from public garbage points.
The assessment revealed that implementing climate-proofing measures is crucial for the resilience and sustainability of all schools. It also highlighted the varying potentials among the evaluated schools. Rising temperatures and urbanization have increased water demand, affecting both drinking and sanitation needs. Additionally, climate-proofing measures, particularly Nature-based Solutions (NbS), were identified as effective strategies for enhancing long-term resilience. Equidev’s climate-proofing initiative, as part of the TSA project funded by the European Union, marks a significant step towards creating resilient and sustainable educational environments in Tajikistan. The successful implementation of these activities in School #3 will serve as a model for similar interventions in other schools across the country.