Veterinarians Trained to Support Low-Income Families in Poultry and Rabbit Production


A two-day Training of Trainers (ToT) was held on September 11-12, 2024, in Bokhtar city as part of the second round of the family poultry production initiative, for which Equidev received a grant from the USAID-funded Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Land Governance Activity (ALG). The ToT followed the selection of 25 villages in six districts of Khatlon province, where information sessions were conducted, and 300 low-income households were chosen to participate.

The training focused on essential topics such as breeding techniques, feeding practices, and disease prevention for both chickens and rabbits. Veterinarians were also trained on vaccination schedules and basic health management practices, ensuring families can raise strong, productive rabbits and chickens with minimal resources. Additionally, guidance on constructing affordable and hygienic chicken coops and rabbit enclosures was provided.

Following the ToT, veterinarians will conduct one-day training sessions for 25 established groups across the selected villages. After the training, Equidev and ALG will jointly distribute 20 chickens (1 rooster and 19 hens) and 120 kg of feed to each beneficiary, helping them kickstart their poultry production. This initiative aims to boost household nutrition and income by enabling vulnerable families to engage in sustainable poultry and rabbit farming, contributing to improved food security and economic resilience in rural Tajikistan.